
Showing posts from 2023

Yves Klein quote about freedom and bars

A personal principle for people who have betrayed me


They say

Bruce Lee quote

Live your dreams ???

We don't need more successful people ( Не требаат повејќе успешни љуѓе )

Opportunities for online entrepreneurship

Another confirmation of my art from the outside.

Потеклото на имињата на мојата сопруга ,ќерка ми и син ми ,како и моето.

Happiness,Inner peace,Health & Kindness

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel quote

Asking,wondering yet

About importance of having a family

Bonaparte quote about silence people

Second decade of 21st century

Time - Money (which is which )

I'm born in february 1970. Explained.

In the first months of 2023, everything old it was new again.